Toronto: Double The Rent Or Leave

Toronto: Double The Rent Or Leave

In Toronto Joe Shuster Way (King & Dufferins St) an owner of two buildings sends the notices to the tenants saying “double the rent or leave the building” before June 30, 2017. Tenants are so upset that they stop paying the rent.

City of Toronto notices that some owners increasing the rent are beyond the Residence Rent Law Act which allows an increase of 1.5% each year, but the owners are going to 5% and up.

City of Toronto already has rules and regulations in place, but some of the owners are increasing the rent on their own.

City hall will call a meeting to come to a conclusion to control this issue.

According to the survey if house prices are going up as they are going now, then it is very difficult to rent a place in Toronto downtown.

Muhammad Yousaf

April 4, 2017